Build a Better Boardman: Comprehensive Plan Meetings
If you care about the future of our township, you’ll want to join us for either or both of two upcoming meetings at which Boardman’s Comprehensive Plan will be discussed.
Data that has been collected pertaining to conditions in Boardman Township will be shared, and questions and comments about the Comprehensive Plan will be taken. Input concerning the upcoming rewrite of the Boardman Zoning Code will also be welcomed.
The meetings will be held:
- Thursday, January 18, 5-7 p.m. at Good Hope Lutheran Church, 98 Homestead Dr.
- Monday February 5, 5-7 p.m. at Boardman Park’s Lariccia Family Community Center, 375 Boardman-Poland Rd.
You can also make your wishes known in advance of these meetings by taking a detailed survey with questions concerning the future of Boardman Township. Click HERE to take this survey. Residents who complete every question on the survey will be eligible for a drawing for gift cards to be to given away.