Legal Notice: RFQ for Professional Engineering Services

The Board of Boardman Township Trustees intends to contract for professional services for various engineering services for Boardman Township Departments. Services include plan review, construction inspection services, design services and engineer’s estimates for Township owned projects. Statements of qualifications should include information regarding the firm’s history, education and experience of owners and key technical personnel, the technical expertise of the firm’s current staff, the firm’s experience in performing stream restoration and storm sewer work, availability of staff, the firm’s experience in working with ODOT, ODNR, FEMA and other Ohio and Federal agencies, references; any previous work performed for the Board of Boardman Township Trustees, and/or ABC Water and Storm Water District. Only ODOT pre-qualified firms will be accepted.

Statements of qualifications should be transmitted by 3:00 PM, February 28, 2025, to:
Boardman Township Government Center
8299 Market Street
Boardman, Ohio 44512
Attn: Jason Loree

As required by Ohio Revised Code Section(s) 153.64-71, responding firms will be evaluated and ranked in order of qualifications.

The Statement of Qualifications must be submitted in the following format:

• List of projects that have been performed using State and Federal Grant funding, with references. (2 page max.).

• List of Sub-consultants, if any (1 page max.).

• List of Project Manager and other key members (2 page max.).

• Description of Capacity of Staff and their ability to perform work in a timely manner (1 page max.).

With Cover Letter, the submittal must be a maximum of only nine (9) pages, using 8 ½” x 11” single sided paper with a 12 point font and minimum 1” margins. Bind each submittal with a single staple in upper left corner only. Please provide seven (7) copies.