Mobile Safety Trailer
The Boardman Fire Department has a 33-foot trailer that is designed to teach children about fire safety.
This trailer is a sample of a home that includes a kitchen, living room, bedroom and a bathroom. In each of these rooms a firefighter will talk about specific fire safety do’s and don’ts for each room.
The living areas of the trailer can be filled with a non-toxic, non-staining smoke that activates smoke detectors and shows children the path that smoke takes and how to crawl low and find “good air.”
The children can then crawl to a door that is heated to simulate a fire on the other side. A window equipped with a fire safety ladder can then be used to escape.
The Mobile Safety Trailer goes out to every elementary school in Boardman so that all children in the township can learn about fire safety in school.
To schedule the Mobile Safety Trailer contact the Fire Prevention Bureau at 330-729-9535.
You can also download our Mobile Safety Trailer brochure