Fiscal Office

Brad Calhoun
Boardman Township Fiscal Officer

The TOWNSHIP FISCAL OFFICER is an elected official and is independent of the township trustees; yet by law, he or she must work closely with the trustees. The trustees have the legislative authority in the township, and the Fiscal Officer must keep an accurate record of all township accounts and transactions. It is the responsibility of the Fiscal Officer to comply strictly with the legal requirements set for the position’s duties, to establish and practice rules for efficient management of the office, and to follow good accounting practices in maintaining records and accounts.

The Ohio Revised Code states several required duties of the Fiscal Officer including, but not limited to:

  1. keeping an accurate record of the proceedings of Board of Township Trustee meetings
  2. keeping accurate records of all the accounts and transactions of the township trustees
  3. issuing all checks
  4. preparing payroll

Each year the Fiscal Office must prepare an estimate of the revenues and expenditures for the next succeeding year and submit it to the county auditor. Once this is done, a resolution is passed by the trustees that formally adopts the budget as revised and approved by the County Budget Commission.

Accounting and all financial affairs of Boardman Township are handled by the Fiscal Office, directed by George A. Platton. Monies are obtained from personal and property taxes, the local government fund, gasoline and motor vehicle taxes, motor vehicle permissive tax, motel permissive tax, fees, fines and assessments.

The Fiscal Office is responsible for all accounting transactions for Police, Fire, Road, Zoning and Administration. Purchase orders and warrants must be written for every purchase, from pencils to fire trucks, on a daily basis. All payroll and personnel matters are also handled in the Fiscal Office. Not only are the paychecks printed here, but also records for salaries, retirement, taxes, miscellaneous deductions, vacation leave, sick leave, Worker’s Compensation, hospitalization and a multitude of other areas are maintained by the Fiscal Office.

All Lighting Districts are processed by the Fiscal Office. When a residential area petitions the board of trustees for street lights, the Fiscal Officer verifies all property owners by checking court records, notifies Ohio Edison of the need for lights, advises residents of a public hearing and levies assessments.