William D. Leicht
Boardman Township Fiscal Officer
Mr. Leicht has more than 30 years of experience in private business. Prior to his election as Boardman Township Fiscal Officer, he served as a member of the Boardman Board of Education for 12 years. During Mr. Leicht’s tenure, the Fiscal Office has maintained a spotless record in its annual audit conducted by the Ohio Auditor of State with no major findings.
Under Mr. Leicht’s tenure, the Township Fiscal Office has introduced programs that strengthen systems for safeguarding Township assets, and his investment policies over a four-year period have earned some $502,101. In addition, annual motel tax collections have risen to nearly $290,000.
The current Fiscal Officer was instrumental in providing the initial language for House Bill 426 that was approved by the State Legislature in 1997. The measure allows townships to restrict monies for specific obligations.
Mr. Leicht is also the cemetery custodian. He is responsible for the upkeep, including the selling of lots and internments and maintenance for Boardman Cemetery located on Boardman-Poland Road and Zion Cemetery on Tippecanoe Road.
Mr. Leicht pledges to continue efforts to keep Boardman Township in a leadership role.