Boardman Township Land Reutilization Program

In conformance with the Mission of Boardman Township and the Boardman Township Zoning Department, the Boardman Township Land Reutilization Program stabilizes and enhances the neighborhoods of Boardman Township by demolishing blighted and abandoned structures, acquiring tax-delinquent parcels to put them back into productive use, and offering parcels for sale to eligible citizens, so that Boardman continues to be “A Nice Place to Call Home.”

Guidelines For Acquiring Township Owned Residential Lots

Acquiring A Township Owned Lot To Build A Single Family Home (In Fill)

  • The Township is offering, for sale, buildable lots for redevelopment as owner-occupied single family homes.
  • The buyer or the developer may apply to acquire the lot.
  • The Township will not entertain offers to build homes on a speculative basis.
  • The Township can revert the property of it is not built and used as an owner-occupied single-family home.

Acquiring A Township Owned Lot For Use As A Side Yard Or Community Use

  • The Township is offering, for sale, lots to adjacent property owners to use as side yards.
  • Side yard applicants must owner-occupy the adjacent property and propose an improvement on the Township owned lot (home addition, patio, gazebo, playground, etc.).

To acquire a Township owned residential lot AS IS, please complete either the In Fill Single Family Home application or Side Yard or Community Use application and return it to the Boardman Township Government Center, 8299 Market Street, Boardman, Ohio 44512.

Land Bank Properties

The following properties currently a part of the Boardman Land Bank are available at fair market value to qualified purchasers. Certain requirements and restrictions apply.

Application Forms

To be considered to purchase a property that is part of the Boardman Land Bank:

  1. Download all forms.
  2. Print and fill out each form completely.
  3. Drop off at the Boardman Township Zoning Department or mail to:
  • Boardman Township Zoning Department
    Land Bank
    8299 Market St.
    Boardman, OH 44512

In Fill For Single Family Home Application

The Boardman Township Land Bank In Fill for Single Family Home Program allows for qualified applicants to acquire vacant land owned by the Boardman Township Land Reutilization Program for building owner occupied homes.

Download Form

Side Yard Or Community Use Application

The Boardman Township Land Bank Side Yard Program allows for qualified applicants to acquire vacant land owned by the Boardman Township Land Reutilization Program.

Download Form

Non-Collusion and Disclosure Affidavit

This document, which must be notarized before being submitted, affirms that the purchaser fully understands all aspects of the proposed purchase and that there has been no collusion by any parties involved.

Download Form

Property Donation Criteria

Boardman Township Land Reutilization Program welcomes donations of properties within Boardman Township under the following conditions:

  • Real estate taxes must be paid in full at the time of donation, unless the property is eligible for a Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure;
  • The property cannot have any judgment liens or other encumbrances, which may include but are not limited to mortgages, unpaid utility bills, mechanic's liens and state or federal tax liens;
  • The property cannot have open code violations, unless the Land Reutilization Program determines that demolition of a structure is necessary and funding is available.

The Boardman Land Reutilization Program requests a recent title search of the aforementioned parcels to prove ownership and that the property is free of liens and encumbrances.

You may contact a title agency to order title work or reimburse the Land Bank for the cost of title work. At present, Boardman Township is paying from $100 to $125 for title reports without insurance. If you would like the Boardman Township Land Bank to order the title work, please contact us first so we may confirm the amount. Also, pre-payment for title work will be required in certified funds. The Boardman Township Land Reutilization Program will not accept personal checks.

Boardman Township Land Reutilization Program reserves the right to decline any donations at any time.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this program, please contact Beth Duzzny, Land Bank Manager at 330-726-4181.